included teammembers premium account

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February 27, 2024

Could you help me with the following:

When I have a Trello premium account, how many members are included in the price.

How many teammembers are included to work on the boards?

Or do I pay for each teammember to work with Trello?


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Luciana Munhoz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 28, 2024

Hi Melek! Welcome to Trello community!

Let me clarify that for you. When upgrading to a paid plan like Standard or Premium, you're upgrading the Workspace (rather than the account). When you upgrade, all users that are considered billable go towards your monthly or annual bill.

Billable users in Standard and Premium include:
- Member of the upgraded Workspace - either a normal member or a Workspace admin
- Multi-board guests - users added to more than one board in the upgraded Workspace.

 Non-billable users include:
- Single-board guests - users that have been added to one board in the workspace - are not considered billable users. You can read more about how billing works with Standard and Premium here.

The features in the paid version are tied to the Workspace, meaning that any boards within that Workspace will be able to make use of the Premium features and all members in that Workspace or boards can make use of the features as well.

You can check more details of how billing works with Trello Premium here:

Hope that helps clarify your questions.

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