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he cerrado tablero con administrador usuario inactivo

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May 15, 2024

Soy beatriu10 con el correo electrónico que tengo activo pero tenía un tablero como administrador como beatriu8 que hemos cerrado por error y no puedo reabir

Muchas gracias

I am beatriu10 with the email that I have active but I had a board as administrator as beatriu8 that we have closed by mistake and I cannot reopen

thank you so much

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 19, 2024

Hi Beatriu,

Thanks for reaching out!

Only the board admin can reopen the board, but since you don't have access to the account in question, I'm afraid the board cannot be reopened. 

An alternative option would be to ask the Workspace members to upgrade to Trello Premium, which would give them admin control over those boards and allow them to reopen the board in question.

Please let us know if you have any other questions, and we'll be happy to help.

All the best,

The Trello Team

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