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contact details or table

Leslie Hand August 31, 2023

Hi, I am new to Trello.  I joined to create a shared workspace for a community committee I'm on.  I wanted to add everyone's contact details in an easy to see way.  Would be surprised if there's no way to do this.  

I did create a table and insert it per some other suggestions, but you can only see part of it.  There are only 4 columns. Is there a way to shrink text or expand the card?  Otherwise, there really isn't that much space on the cards, but there's a lot of space around them....

Thanks, Leslie

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Dreamsuite Mike
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September 1, 2023

Hi, you can make a contacts database by using Trello Custom fields and if you want it viewed in a table style, using the Table View Power-up


Alternatively, some Power-ups have the ability to make contacts, like Crmbl

and Email for Trello


Hope this helps.



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