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billing invoice

Jon Llewellyn
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September 11, 2023

My company has received it annual invoice with is over two thousand, this not a issue as we have number of employees that you the system as we are very satisficed,  it is a powerful tool, 

The issue is that the credited card that is linked to this account has a £1000 limit per transaction, and the invoice needs to be split, but I am not sure how this can be achieved, I tried to contact customer service, but I am scared that they will close the account that will have serious effect of the day to day operations of business, 

Kind Regards 


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Dreamsuite Mike
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September 11, 2023

Hi Jon,

I had a card on file that had been replaced and Trello gave me a fair amount of warning about paying and I didn't reach the point they downgraded me or closed the workspace.  

In your instance, I am sure there will be something that can be done manually by contacting Trello Support ( and selecting the billing option on the contact form.

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