Workspace between a premium and a basic account

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March 3, 2023

Hello everyone,
I have a premium account on Trello, can I invite in my workspace a basic account?

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Brant Schroeder
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March 3, 2023

@GiovanniTrovato Welcome to the Atlassian community

Anyone you add as a workspace member will contribute to how much you pay each month/year. These members will have access to all boards within your workspace, and because the boards are within a paid workspace, they'll be able to utilize all the features that come with it.

You can also have free workspace guests that don't contribute to your billing. If you want to add a free guest, all you need to do is invite that user to a board rather than adding them as a full workspace member. So, they'll just have access to that one board rather than all of the board's workspace. However, if you add that same user to a second board, they'll become a billable member.

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