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Were Trello report sunset?

hvillas April 25, 2023

Hi Trello team, I used to run Trello's report in Excel file with the Columns below but I am no longer able to run it. Can someone please confirm if it has been sunset or how can I do it now? Currently, I can only run report with some totals by Member, Labels or Status

Card ID, Card Name, Card URL, Card Description, Labels, Members, Due Date, Attachment Count, Attachment Links, Checklist Item, Total Count, Checklist Item, Completed Count, Vote Count, Comment Count, Last Activity Date, List ID, List Name, Board ID, Board Name, Archived, Start Date, Due Complete

2 answers

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hvillas April 27, 2023

I used to access the option "Settings" on the Trello Workspace's Menu as shown on the attached screenshot. In this option, I used to be able to run reports for all the Boards from my Workspace. It was Trello`s functionality and not a third-party software.Trello Boards Homepage.png

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 28, 2023

Hey @hvillas,

I see! Perhaps this is the option you're looking for? 


If it's the Export option you're looking for, it has been consolidated within the Workspace settings. So you need to access Settings from the home page, click Workspace settings, and you'll see a popover window showing you the Export option.

I hope this info helps!

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 26, 2023

Hey @hvillas,

Welcome to the Atlassian Community! :D

How are you running these reports? Are you using an API endpoint with a script and sending those results to your MS Excel spreadsheet? Or are you using third-party software to get this information and convert it to an Excel spreadsheet? This could give me a hint to understand your question. Thanks!

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