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Username from trello into Slack Message

Michael Scheel
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March 7, 2024



I am using automation to send messages to Slack with buttler from trello when jobs are done (card button trigger).

We use:

move the card to the top of list "done", mark the due date as complete, post message "*\"{username}\"* has finished the job *\"{cardname}\"* in *\"{cardboardname}\"* to Slack channel "#xxxxx" in workspace "xxxx" as Butler.

However when I use {username} I get "info71085XXXX" has done the job.

Is there a way to send the real Name of the user into the slack channel so we can see who did the job?


Thank you very much in advance


Kind regards


Michael Scheel

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Dreamsuite Mike
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March 9, 2024

Instead of {username}, you can use:


{firstname} {lastname}


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