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Trello (web) description text always double spaced? Can I change this?

Philip Anema
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November 15, 2022

Hi Trello community - 

It would seem in a recent slew of updates when I use trello on the web (chrome) any time I add text to the description field it enters as double spaced lines text i.e. extra space space between each line of text. 

A few months ago, this was not the case. When I enter info into descriptions from mobile (ios) text enters into the description field as single spaced lines and is much more compact and much much more preferred to me. The double spacing on the web is making formatting my cards difficult. 

Is there a way for me to set my web trello to go back to the single space line set up so the text entered in descriptions is more compact and is the same across my mobile and desktop experience? 

Thanks for any input... 

// Phil

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November 15, 2022

Hi @Philip Anema 

I don't know how to set the line spacing to single by default on web/chrome but the trick of pressing shift+enter work for me.  May be worth trying.

Carrie Turissini
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January 26, 2023

I'm having the same frustrating problem. Yes shift+enter works, but it's certainly not ideal or convenient. There must be a way to have regular line spacing with "enter". 

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David Naylor February 28, 2023

Yep agree, Shift+ ENTER is annoying, plus it only reduces the space slightly on my laptop and phone, it still doesn't create single spacing like it used to be a few months back.

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