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Trello free account board member limit

Jezze_ W_
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August 30, 2023

On Trello free account now, i have 35 members and have 3 questions to ask the expert in the community:

  1. Can I have them all 35 members in 1-board for free?
  2. Within this 35 members - about 10 members will have 4 boards. Will we be able to use the free account for the 10 members with 4 boards?

           Side info: The rest 25 members only need    
                             to use 1 board. 

      3. if cannot use for free, do I have to upgrade  
         the plan? The plan should upgrade for the
         10 members having multi board or all 35        


Just fyi. Am running a small team and would like to test run to see how trello help to ease the work flow internally before presenting it to my boss on this. If trello is what i can use to ease work, then can intro to my bosses to approve for paid account. Hence my concern on plan subscription now.

Thanks for advise🙏

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Dreamsuite Mike
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August 31, 2023

Hi, there are no member limits in Trello Free.  Boards are limited to 10. 

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