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Trello cards flickering on macOS

Rodrigo Cárcamo June 14, 2021

Hi there,

I'm using 2.12.1 on macOS Big Sur, but every time I make an horizontal scroll my cards start to flicker. There are also several speed issues during this process and my computer starts to work slowly. 

I have already tried reinstalling the app, but the problem is still there.

What could I do? Thanks!

2 answers

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February 23, 2023

I have the same issue. EVERY time I open trello on my M1. The whole screen flickers (BAD) I get ghosting and I have to restart my computer.

I don't know why but this is VERY bad. Trello is the only website this happens with.

Whatever it is, make me not use trello.

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Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_
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June 15, 2021

Hi @Rodrigo Cárcamo 👋

Welcome to the Community! I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing some technical issues with Trello. I'd recommend getting in touch with Trello directly and raising a support ticket here >>

Its likely others are experiencing this issue and they'll be able to you provide further details on the matter. 

I hope this helps but if you have any other questions please just ask away 😃

All the best,


Rodrigo Cárcamo June 16, 2021

Thanks Laura! 

Looks like there where some compatibility issues with a 3D render software for some reason. It has been solved for now.


Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_
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June 16, 2021

So pleased it's resolved for you!

Happy Trello-ing 😃

Omnia Sorour
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August 23, 2021

@Rodrigo Cárcamo will you please share how this was solved? I am having the same issue.

Rodrigo Cárcamo August 23, 2021

Hello Omnia, on my case the issue was having too much apps opened at the same time. Hope this helps. Greetings

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