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The price is not what I expected

Julianna Nickel
I'm New Here
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March 18, 2024

I want to look into the plan that is five dollars a month. I use personal boards and I use two boards at a university for two classes. I teach. I was denied the educational discount to me. That doesn’t make much sense when I went to see what my price would be $60 a year, but they calculated it at $120 a year for the tier that is five dollars a month. I have no idea why I would be charged.  I am the only owner of my boards. There is literally no way to get help from this company, but I do know that 120 is not gonna work for me.

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Andrea Crawford
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 18, 2024

Hi @Julianna Nickel - I'm sorry for the confusion with Standard pricing. The $5/month price is per workspace member or multi-board guest.

Do you have other collaborators within your workspace, causing the billing to reflect 2 users at $60/year each? You can check this by going to{name of your workspace}/members.

Then as a follow-up question: Assuming you have another collaborator within your workspace, could they be removed or limited to a single workspace board? 

Let me know if I can provide further help. 

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