Start and run a podcast using Trello! - Free Template

Dan Ivory
Atlassian Partner
November 27, 2020

Podcasts are rapidly growing in popularity and are fast becoming a key marketing channel for organisations of all sizes and industries. There’s something for every listener these days, meaning it’s a great way to reach your target market. Plus 80% of people listen to most or all of an episode. Bear in mind that the average podcast length is 38 minutes, that’s a lot of attention they are giving you, just think how much information you can get across in that time! Far more than a scanned blog post (I see you scanning this one :D ), or a 3 minute YouTube video. 


Whether your target audience/market is into comedy, business advice, inspirational stories, or perhaps just want to stay up-to-date on the latest goings-on from the Atlassian ecosystem, chances are they are looking for a podcast or will be in the future.


If you’ve ever considered running a podcast, or already have one, this Trello template will help you collaborate with team members/co-hosts, and make your production process more efficient. Spend less time on production and more time recording! 

About the Podcast Production Template


@Ryan Spilken, one of the co-hosts of the popular Atlassian ecosystem round-up podcast, Adaptavist Live, and I combined forces to bring you this shiny new Trello template to help you run your very own podcast. 

I say new, that’s not entirely true. Ryan and the other hosts of Adaptavist Live, @Matthew Stublefield and @Brenda Burrell, have been using this template for the last couple of years to collect news, information, articles and other interesting talking points in one place for each week’s episode. They then use this board to collaborate and produce the podcast, while all working remotely (yep, even before it was forced upon us!)


Power-Up the production process

One recent addition to their workflow is the Board Export Power-Up by Orah Apps. This Power-Up has saved Ryan and the team several hours of time and repetitive work over the past few weeks. 


They use Board Export to export their list of talking points and topics for that week’s episode. Before quickly copy and pasting these topics into the podcast episode description field ready to be uploaded to iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud etc.

Without this Power-Up, they needed to manually open each card and copy the card title across to the description field to create the episode description. Not the most efficient process! 

In summary, maaany clicks were saved in the making of this podcast.

Click the image below to check out the short video showing this exact process in action.



Get Started

If you’re considering starting your own podcast, either for marketing or just for fun, check out this Trello template to streamline your production process and spend more time recording that awesome content for your listeners! 

Any questions on how to use the template, let us know in the comments below. Plus @Ryan Spilken might even have some podcasting tips for you! 

If you liked this template and/or post, please hit the like button below, to encourage us to share more template ideas and tips in the future. Thanks!


3 answers

2 votes
Davin Pukulis
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
December 1, 2020

Not only is this a nice window into the process, the the podcasts themselves are pretty great too. :)

0 votes
Dan Ivory
Atlassian Partner
August 3, 2022

Hey @Jessica Froelke 

Sorry! our Trello Premium membership has just lapsed so this board was temporarily closed (we've exceeded the 10 boards limit per workspace). Once we have a new license it will be available again. I'll try to remember to comment here once it is, but failing that, I think if you check in a couple of days it will be live again. 


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Jessica Froelke
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 29, 2022

Hi there I tried to access to the template but is not working

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