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Showing full trello card on slack

Richard Nime
I'm New Here
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May 26, 2023

If you scroll down to the picture with the blue background ( there is an image of the full card showing on slack (eg the card's description, and other details. I am trying to work out how to make my cards look like then when they are passed to slack - currently its just the title to show, and I want to configure it so the description shows too. 

Anyone know?

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Oliver S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 29, 2023

Hi Richard, welcome to the community! :)

Are the links to the cards you're sharing from a Private board, or one from the linked Workspace? One thing that might help (also noted here) is this:

Note: For security reasons @Trello will only show details for cards and boards that are in the linked Trello Workspace, and are Workspace visible (ie. @Trello will not unfurl content on boards that are private). To unfurl content on private boards, you can use the /trello url-to-card-or-board command.

So if they're private, you could use /trello <URL to board or card>

The other thing you could try is checking that link previews are enabled using the command /trello previews

Let me know if either of those help, and if not - can look into it further.

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