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Sharing Templates

Neil Pollard August 12, 2023

I am a Premium member and I need to share a template - However, I only have the option that says create board from template and no "share template or share board" option. 

Not sure if I am missing something - I have just upgraded to premium, I thought this would have come on straight away.

All I need is to send a template so then another team can use that one independently of my board.

Any help appreciated

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Atlassian Team
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August 14, 2023

Hi @Neil Pollard - Is this through a template that you created or is it a public template? If it's a public template then you should be able to just copy the URL and send it to the other person. 

With Premium, you can invite a 'normal' user to your board and they'll be able to create a board using your Template: - Being able to make edits to the template is reserved to just Workspace Admins and Board Admins. A reason the 'Share' button might not be visible is if you're not a member or admin of the template board, you'll need to be made a member or admin (depending on your specific Workspace restrictions) in order to share the template board. 

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