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Running Butler Commands Button

Arbibi March 11, 2024

Hi there,

Back in the day, Butler had a "run now" button, which was really helpful when creating due date commands. Where can I find that button now? It used to be the little lightbulb above each command I believe. 



2 answers

2 votes
Arbibi March 11, 2024

Nevermind! It's right there - the little rocket. Don't know how I missed that.🙄

Brittany Joiner
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March 11, 2024

@Arbibi hah no worries! Lots of things to do in there, can be hard to miss. Glad you found it! Happy automating!

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Dreamsuite Mike
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March 11, 2024

The best questions on the community are the ones that answer themselves 😊

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