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Replacing one member with another.

Megan April 1, 2023

I have the premium paid version of Trello and have paid for each member for a full year. This week an employee quit so he no longer needs access to our boards. I'd like to replace his email address with another employee's to give this other person access to our Trello boards and be able to make use of the paid membership. 

2 answers

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Megan April 1, 2023

oops, never mind. It looks like I had to click 'remove' one more time even though he was greyed out. Now he is gone and I have 4 members. :)

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Ash Yadav
Community Leader
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April 1, 2023

Hi @Megan 


 As per the following KB:

"How can I replace a billed user?

Because Standard and Premium are billed per Workspace member, instead of per user account, you can remove a billed user and replace them with someone else at no additional cost.

To replace a billed user: 

  1. First, remove an existing user from your Workspace members page from within the sidebar 

  2. Then, invite a new user to the Workspace

As long as you don't exceed the number of member licenses you've purchased your credit card will not be billed for their access until the next billing cycle. You can check your Workspace's receipts clicking Billing in the sidebar to open the Workspace billing page to see how many seat licenses have been purchased in the current billing cycle and compare that to the Workspace's members page to ensure that a new license will not be purchased."


Hope this helps.


Kind Regards, 


Megan April 1, 2023

ok, great. Thank you. I just followed those directions and I think it went ok. I see the new member who had to create an Atlassian account, but the one I 'removed' is still showing up in our list, but is greyed out. Under the members tab, it says I have 5 members but I should only have 4, because I replaced one for another. 

Megan April 1, 2023

Another question: My new member is 'normal' but is on zero boards. It seems he's a workspace member but not on any of the boards yet. Do I need to invite him to each board separately, one at a time? I only have three boards. 

Ash Yadav
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 2, 2023

Hi @Megan ,


Happy to hear that. For your second question please check out the following KB:


"Allow Workspace members to join

If you would like any of your Workspace members to be able to join the board and collaborate, you can select "Allow Workspace members to join" from "More" > "Settings" in the board menu. When you select this option a checkmark will appear next to "Allow Workspace members to join" and your Workspace members can add themselves to the board."

Hope this helps, and please mark this question as resolved to help other members of the community find the answer!


Kind Regards, 


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