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Overview of cards across workspaces

Tania Ellis April 27, 2022


I run a small company with different projects and associated freelancers connected to a small handful of dedicated workspaces. And so as the chief commander, I really need to have a full picture of what I need to take care of across the different workspaces.

Ideally, I would like to in my own personal workspace, be able to link to cards across the other workspaces, so I can create my own weekly plan.

It looks as if there isn't a solution to this as it is right now. Is this correct?

PS. I've also posted this question in the Atlassian Community.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 27, 2022

@Tania Ellis 

I saw your post here and in another post.

Based on limited testing, it seems that with Dashcard Power Up, you can make a copy of the card and moved it to another board on another workspace and both cards remains in sync.

Try it. 

Got this message when I attempted to rename the card on the master board. I was confirming that with my MirrorSync the name change would be reflected on the secondary card.


Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 6.31.52 AM.jpg

Tania Ellis April 30, 2022

Hi @milynnus , many thanks for the tip on the Dashcard Power Up! I tried it out, and it certainly gives a useful overview of cards across workspaces, so I'll give that a try now. The only thing I couldn't get to work was the duplication of cards so they remain in sync. I can copy a card and move it to another board, but they are not syncing, so a bit unsure how to do that. But the overview of cards across workspaces alone is a great help. Thanks!

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 30, 2022

@Tania Ellis 

I am glad to hear that. You have to make sure that Dashcard power up is also enabled on the board before you make a copy of the Dashcard. 

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Tania Ellis May 2, 2022

Thank you!

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