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I'm New Here
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May 16, 2023

THESE 3 rules are same but one dont work, the third one, the member is not added when the action is made, any idea?MARGIN-TRANSLATIONS-Trello.png

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Dreamsuite Mike
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May 16, 2023

What does the log report, when you click on the light bulb on the automation that isn't working?  Does it have an error or does it show that it isn't even triggering?

Make sure you don't have any whitespace in the checklist item.  If you have a space either side of the DE, it won't trigger

To protect against this, you can put  "when the DE{*} item is checked...."

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
May 18, 2023

no spaces and the log shows for all automation not specificaly for this one, it just dont trigger

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