Names of cards not showing

Amy Vitulli May 15, 2023

I have cards linked between Trello boards. When I add to a list, it creates a card on another board. Up until recently, I've been able to see the name and the list that card was in on the original card. Now, I only see a url- how do I get it to revert to the name of the card and the list?Trello.png

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Dreamsuite Mike
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May 15, 2023

This has occured before and these steps normally correct it.

  1. Log out of Trello
  2. Clear browser cache
  3. Restart browser
  4. Log back into Trello 
Amy Vitulli May 16, 2023

Funnily enough, this only started after I cleared my cache. However, clearing again temporarily fixed this issue.

Amy Vitulli May 17, 2023

Ok- not a viable solution. It's back to showing the same way today and I can't clear my cache daily.

Dreamsuite Mike
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May 17, 2023

Do you have any browser extensions running?

Amy Vitulli May 18, 2023

I'm using clockify (was using before this issue) as well as Lastpass (also using before the issue) none of the other extensions run always and none are new.

Dreamsuite Mike
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May 18, 2023

It may be Clockify extension. Trello has updated the linked cards in checklists to utilise 'smartlinks' and perhaps this has broken something with the Clockify extension.  Try disabling Clockify and see if the issue is resolved.

Amy Vitulli May 18, 2023

No luck. Disabled, exited chrome... still having the issue.

Dreamsuite Mike
Community Leader
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May 18, 2023

You may need to clear cache once more and see how it goes with that disabled...


I would say steps after this are:

  1. If no issues with Clockify, try disabling Lastpass...just to be sure.
  2. Do you or any other member have automations that convert checklist items to linked cards?  If so, check the command log and make sure it isn't in a loop where when it converts to a linked card, it is adding it back into the checklist.  
  3. Contact Trello Support  and they will be able to delve deeper into the issue than I can on here...

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