Job assignment board

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October 28, 2020

Wondering if you would have a suggestions.  I am looking at wanting to put together a work assignment listing for 7- coworkers.  I am envisioning  7- columns with one name per each column, and 1- column for completed assignments..


This board would enable me to set assignments for an individuals and they would be able to update when they are done.


If you have any questions please let me know.

Thank you!


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November 6, 2020

Hi Dave, this sounds like a nice plan. What about instead creating a list (column) with all the processes, like To Do, Doing, Done for example and instead assigning cards to each person? This way, you'd have fewer lists to see at the same time and your coworkers would be able to filter the cards and see just those assigned to them, for example. Also, if you add due dates, they would get a reminder.

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