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Is there a way to associate certain emails with certain boards or teams in Trello?

Daniel Bingham
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January 25, 2018

I have two emails associated with my Trello account: my work email and my personal email.  I use Trello for both work and personal projects.  I'm a member of several organizations and I'd like to associate different emails to different organizations.  I'd like my work email associated with my work organization and my personal email associated with the others. 

I don't want to create two accounts because I'd like to be able to readily bounce between the work boards and my personal ones (which I use as my daily TODO list).  I'd just like to associate different emails with different boards and have the subscribed notifications go to the appropriate email.

Is there currently a way to accomplish this in Trello? 

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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 25, 2018

Trello does not support this yet. I personally have two different browsers opened; one for each account. Similar request:

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