Is it possible to get notification/alert/email when deadline of task is closed or before deadline?

Muhammad Asif
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January 2, 2020

i want to get notification as reminder before the closing date of my task/event generated.

2 answers

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Esme Crutchley
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January 5, 2020

Hi @Muhammad Asif 

You can achieve this with Butler rules, it wouldn't give you a notification, but it would email you (or another member of the team) and let you know that the card is due. I don't know if that would be useful to you, but I thought that I would suggest it just in case:

Screenshot 2020-01-05 at 17.38.42.png

For help on what Butler commands will accept (variables), see this site

I hope that's helpful, if I can assist in any other way, please let me know!

Esme :)

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Iago Docando
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January 3, 2020

It is possible.

You need to define the conditions you want to trigger your notification and do something along the lines of the following (in this example I'll create a notification for a fixed email address that reminds of the due date 48h before it expires)... 

  • First, you create a filter similar to "dueDate >= -48h AND dueDate <= -47h", adding whatever additional restriction you need like project, issuetype, and so on.
  • Second, you go to your project settings and create an automation rule that triggers every hour and runs your JQL filter. Only issues matching that JQL will be acted on by the rule.
  • Third, add the Send Custon Email Action to your rule, sending whatever message you want to the desired address.

If you want to notify to dynamic recipients (only the assignee, project roles, watchers...) I believe your best option is to create a new status in your workflows. Call it "dueDate approaching" or similar. Make it so on transition it sends the email. Then simplyl follow the same steps explained before but instead of sending an email on the 3rd step, just create an automatic transition to that new status. 

Hope it helps.

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