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Deleted user June 29, 2023

Eu tenho necessidade de importar um arquivo JASON.

Apesar de eu ter pago uma assinatura mais completa, por um mês para eu poder fazer a Importação do arquivo Jason, não estou conseguindo encontrar a opção de Importação no trello.

Poderiam por favor me ajudar ?

1 - Fiz a exportação no formato Jason da outra conta, pois não tem opção em outro formato;

2 - Agora preciso importar o Jason para minha conta paga.


Obs. Nas pesquisas eu não encontrei nenhum tutorial ou passo a passo simples indicando a opção de Importar  o arquivo JASON, somente em CSV e não tenho como conseguir. 





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Oliver S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 2, 2023

Hi Hermann,

Welcome to the community! :)

At present, Trello doesn't have any native import functionality built in. There are a few options available, but it would help to understand what you're wanting to do:

Are you trying to move boards from one account to another? If yes, we have the Transfer boards tool which allows you to transfer boards from one account to another: It adds the destination account as a member to each board.

Are you trying to move boards from one Workspace to another in the same account? If so, we have this guide which runs through how to move (or migrate) boards from one Workspace to another: This can be useful if you have boards in a Free Workspace, and want to transfer them to a Paid Workspace to take advantage of paid features.

There are Third-party Power-ups available that provide CSV import functionality - Trello Premium has CSV export functionality built in, so you could take an export of your boards in CSV format and use one of those Power-ups to import them in. That being said, this is a bit more manual than the earlier options mentioned. Because many of these services are provided by separate companies, outside of Trello, any costs associated with their products are also separate. We're also not able to endorse or provide support for any third-party Power-ups (since we don't work with them directly).

Hope this helps! :)

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