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I want to switch to "standard" plan

Dusan Maksimovic
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July 21, 2022

Hi All!

I am a user of a trello board and I use butler ona daily basis, but after 250 actions per month, I cannot use it anymore. I am not the owner or the trello board, just a user.

If I subscribe to the standard monthly plan, will this be charged to me only, or I would be required to pay for other users. As I said, I am one of the users, but not the admin/owner.

Thank you! Best regards,


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Brittany Joiner
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July 21, 2022

@Dusan Maksimovic welcome to the community! so, trello pricing works by workspace and users in that workspace. So for instance, if you upgrade to Trello Standard you'll be asked to pick a workspace that you want to upgrade, it actually wont matter about that board, unless that board is part of the workspace you upgrade. 

So lets say you upgrade that workspace. If the other people in the board are _only_ on that one board in the workspace, you won't be charged for them (they'll be seen as "single board guests"). 

The best way to think of it is that you actually aren't accessing paid features by user - even though you're paying by user. You're really opening up features to a board, and you're doing that through a workspace (and then you pay for number of users in that workspace that are part of more than one board.)

Here's a couple scenarios if it helps:

Scenario A: This board is your work team's board, on <Company> workspace. You want to upgraded powers, so you create a new workspace called <MyCompanySpace> workspace. You upgrade that workspace and only pay for one user (yourself). You have admin access allowing you to change the workspace of that board. You move your work team board to <MyCompanySpace> and that board (and everyone on that board) has access to paid workspace features, but you're only charged for your user, UNLESS those other members join another board in that workspace. 

Scenario B: This board is your work team's board, on <Company> workspace. You want to upgraded powers, and you have admin access in this board's workspace. You upgrade the company's workspace, but you will be charged for any users that are on more than one board in that same workspace.

Scenario C: This board is your work team's board, on <Company> workspace. You want to upgraded powers, but you don't have admin access to change the workspace of the board, or to upgrade that workspace. You don't really have much power here. I'd ask for the owner of the board to consider allowing you admin access to let you do Scenario A, OR for them to do Scenario B. 

Hope that helps - sorry for the long answer, i know the pricing is confusing so wanted to try to explain it thoroughly!

Dusan Maksimovic
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 23, 2022

Hi Brittany! Thank you for the detailed message. What I would like to know is if it is possible to pay a monthly subscription to have automation tools/buttler working not only for 150actions per month, but for more.

Brittany Joiner
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August 23, 2022

@Dusan Maksimovic as far as i know you can't get anything "a la carte" like that unfortunately, but you could contact the sales team and ask! 

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