I deleted and reinstalled Trello and now cannot log in.

Jeb B Raitt August 28, 2023

Recently Trello on my phone didn't sync with the other devices on our local network.  I deleted and reinstalled Trello, also cleared the cache, but now I can't even log in! 

The browser is Firefox

It's an Android phone from Sprint.

When I open Trello I get to the login screen but when I try to log in I get "Unable to connect" and sometimes a "Timed out" message.

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Dreamsuite Mike
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August 29, 2023

Hi @Jeb B Raitt 

Welcome to the community.  Can you try to log into Trello in Google Chrome on your phone (ignore the messages to open it in the app).  Once logged in on Chrome, then try logging into the app...


If this doesn't work, I think it will need a message to Trello Support:


Jeb B Raitt August 30, 2023

I mostly use Firefox, don't even have Chrom installed, but I'll try in in Firefox . . .

Jeb B Raitt August 30, 2023

Opening it in Firefox seems to have done it.  Thanks

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