I can't access my bill from the instructions from help or contact us, the settlings aren't correct.

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March 19, 2024

Please provide a person to connect directly to access our billing. I received the below email and it did not help in the slightest, the information were the wrong steps to take.

I need someone who is not a "advocate" someone with a name and email to connect with asap since our billing team is past due submissions. This is urgent. As a new vendor tool, we are not happy with the user experience to access basic need, as our billing is audited. Thanks, Michele



Cristian Codin commented:

Hello Michele,

Thanks for reaching out to us and we appreciate you for patiently waiting. Apologies if we can't reply immediately as we have received a higher-than-usual volume of inquiries. My name is Cristian, I'm part of Atlassian’s billing and licensing team, I'd be pleased to assist you.

I understand how all this might be confusing. Allow me to explain in detail to clarify everything for you.

Kindly note that you have 10 Trello workspaces associated with your email address. There are 2 on the Premium Plan(mj2024 and websitekpisfy24) and 8 on the Free Plan. To further explain how a subscription works for Trello, it is purchased per workspace and billed per workspace member or  multiboard guest of the workspace. That said, workspace members cannot be individually upgraded, and those who are added to the same workspace will share the same subscription. Therefore, when you upgrade you will upgrade the workspace and not the account.

Moving forward, please note that only the workspace admin can view/down the invoices by following the below steps

  1. Go to Trello.com, on the left-hand sidebar when logged in, select your associated workspace.
  2. In the dropdown menu for your workspace (left-hand side), select the "settings"
  3. Choose the tab that says "Billing" (Or Upgrade Workspace)
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to retrieve your invoices

For the mj2024 Trello workspace, you are listed as a workspace admin, therefore, I have included a copy of the invoice below at your convenience

For the websitekpisfy24 Trello workspace, the workspace admin are marinamuncescu2 and carlosma7. They are the one that needs to follow the above steps. As a workaround, I can provide you with a PDF copy, however, I will need a confirmation of the following

  • Last 4 digits of the credit card on file
  • Amount of the transaction.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I'll be happy to help further!
Have a great day!

Kind regards,

Customer Advocate EMEA

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Ste Wright
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March 23, 2024

Hi @Michele.Joel 

I've removed your email address from your question; this is a public forum, so best to not include your personal details :)

Have you emailed Cristian back, to see if he can help further?

These instructions should work though: https://support.atlassian.com/trello/docs/invoices-and-receipts-for-your-trello-subscription/

What are you seeing when you try to access the billing area?


You could also contact support for assistance - you can do so from here: https://trello.com/contact#/


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