How to create a rule to change the colour of cover when the card moves list?

Steve Granger October 4, 2023

Is it possible to create a rule that automatically changes the cover colour depending on which list the card is in? 

2 answers

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Gaurav Kataria
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 6, 2023

There is no automated way to do this in Trello. You can select the label color via automation but not card cover color. 

Steve Granger October 8, 2023

Thank You Gaurav, it is the card cover i want changed. I can see now that many folk have asked this question but the feature is strangely enough unavailable?? 


0 votes
Mike Prill October 4, 2023

It's likely possible depending on what you mean by cover colour and list. I use an automation which color codes my Epics based on a custom field's value.

I trigger off the change of the custom field Tech Sub-Team, then I have an if condition to make sure I'm dealing with an epic (1), then a whole bunch of other if statements, one for each value the tech sub-team can be (2). The Then step is then added like the below example (3). 


Different colors for different teams.

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