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How to add colors to drop-down list item?

Fabián Pazmiño April 5, 2018

There was recently a huge update on Custom Fileds. I read at the Trello blog that now we can add colors to each drop-down list item.


But I can't find how to do this.

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Matthew N
Rising Star
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April 5, 2018

Hey Fabian

When you're creating your dropdown list on the Power Up settings, you'll create the title of the dropdown list and then proceed with creating options. Once you've created an option, click on the gray box beside the option name. This will expand to be able to choose a color.


Fabián Pazmiño April 6, 2018

Thank you very much Matthew.


I don't know how I missed it before.



Antonio Garcia April 13, 2018


Is that option available to all browsers, OS?

I cannot see that on mine:



Fabián Pazmiño April 22, 2018

Hi Antonio. You have to add the options first. The you can select a color.

Antonio Garcia April 23, 2018

Thanks works...I must be blind!!!



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