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How should I set up and sync my personal and business workspaces?

Julie Plasse
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April 27, 2022

I have a design business and two long-term freelance gigs. My design biz needs multiple boards, two members, and guests down the line. My two freelance gigs are only me, and one board (each?). How should I set this up? Is there a way I can I see and sync all of MY tasks from all of these boards (and workspaces?) on one board?

Are there any workarounds in the free version? What's worth paying for in this set up?

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April 27, 2022

@Julie Plasse 

For each of my projects, I have a client collaboration board in 2 free workspace for projects. My clients participate as single board guest.

I used another board for correspondences using a CRM like power up with email templates for renewal notice, invoices, invitations, etc.

As I have enough old boards with custom fields prior to Aug 24 last year I was able to reuse them for my projects. I used a program to automate archival and moving them to a archival board and **delete** cards.

While I have developed my own MirrorSync I never really need to use it for my work with the above arrangement. I had MirrorSync Lite built entirely using Trello Automation and some backend programs. 

Unito would be a COTS to use if you need to master board.

If you have a paid workspace you cannot avoid paying for workspace members.

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