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How many worskpace can Ihave witj a premium account?

Raul Rubilar April 12, 2022

Hi guys, I want to know how many workspace can I create with a premium account without paying extra. Also If I add a user to different workspace, this user pay 12.50 or more? 





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Raul Rubilar April 12, 2022

Screenshot 2022-04-12 093202.png

Michael Pryor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 12, 2022

Any user can make as many Workspaces as they like.  However, a paid subscription or Standard or Premium applies to one Workspace only.  (Enterprise is not usually available to most customers as there is a minimum size requirement). 

So you are not limited to the number of Workspaces you can have, but your paid subscription will only apply to one Workspace.  If you add a user to a paid Workspace, then you have to pay for that user.

Raul Rubilar April 12, 2022

Thank you Michael, so one user can be added to many workspace but will pay just for one?

Raul Rubilar April 12, 2022

Is it 12.50 usd for premium ??

Michael Pryor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 12, 2022

"so one user can be added to many workspace but will pay just for one?"

Yes, one user can be added to many Workspaces.  You will only pay for the user for Workspaces that are paid (that could be more than once though if you had more than one paid Workspace).  If I pay for two Workspaces, and I add Bob to both Workspaces, then I will pay for Bob twice.

Our pricing is listed at  If you pay monthly for Premium the price listed is $12.50 USD per user.

In almost all scenarios, you should be using one Workspace.  It would be a rare use case that you would want more than one Workspace.

Raul Rubilar April 12, 2022

Thanks again Michael. I was thinking in creating a workspace per area of my company, so I can have different areas with their workflows. Is there any other way to do it? 

is there a cost for every workspace? Or it is within the price of the license? 

Michael Pryor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 12, 2022

You could use Collections for the different Areas.

Yes, there is an additional cost for each user in each Workspace.  There is no charge to create a Workspace because when you first create it, the Workspace will be a free Workspace with no subscription.  But if you add a paid subscription then you will pay for every user in that Workspace.  If you make two Workspaces and you pay for both of them, you will pay for the users in each Workspace (so you will pay for each person more than once if they are in both Workspaces).

Raul Rubilar April 12, 2022

Thank you Michael. Last one, if a get enterprise accounts, now I have 50 accounts with pro license, I could add users to different workspaces without paying xtra? Or still I have to pay double if one user is in different workspaces 

Michael Pryor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 12, 2022

If you had Enterprise, you would only pay once.

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