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How do I make sure new team members can see all boards?

Grace Chapel Inc
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July 27, 2017

We have a team with over 50 members who access all the boards our communications team has created. However, when we add a new team member, they can't see any of the pre-existing boards, only new ones we create after they joined the team. If we enable all team members to join, they still have to search for the board to join it. This seems to be a glaring flaw in an otherwise amazing system. Is there a way to have new team members automagically see all the pre-exising boards in the Boards menu?

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Matthew N
Rising Star
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July 28, 2017

Hey there,

As long as the boards are associated with a team, those team members should be able to see ALL boards associated with the team.  These can be found by the user at   Once there, toggle to the "Profile"  tab and the team name will be displayed. Click the team name, and all boards should show under the board tab.  

Hope that helps!

Grace Chapel Inc
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 28, 2017

Hi Matt - while yes, they can see all the boards when the search for them, boards that were already in existence when the user was added to the team won't show up in their boards menu. Is there a way to make them show up?

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