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Help!!! Why can't I share a photo to Trello on my iPhone?

Julie Tremblay
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May 13, 2023


In my photo app on my iPhone, I have the option to share a photo to Trello. However, when I try to do it, the photo screen shrinks a little then go back normal, and nothing happens. Any idea why?

If I go in the Trello app, open a card, click to add an attachment from my photos, when i click Add after choosing my photo I get this message: "Whoops! we cannot upload one or more of the attachments because they are in an unsupported format."

I really need to put photos in my Trello board this morning!!!

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Dreamsuite Mike
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May 15, 2023

Hi Julie, 

I see this has gone unanswered so I wanted to give you some love, even if it doesn't solve your problem. 

I have noticed an increased number of issues arising in the past week relating to Apple products, whether it is the app on iPhone or mac, there does seem to be some issues and I hope Trello will help you.  I recommend to get more attention to it internally at Trello, to raise a support request and let the wonderful support team pick this up for you: 

The questions they will inevitably ask:

Is your iPhone updated to the latest version of iOS?

Is your Trello version updated to the latest version?


For reference, I just tried this feature in the Trello Android app and it is working

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