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Google Calendar Sync

zoomnclick May 14, 2023

I've looked around to try and find if this is possible, but I'm yet to find a solution that shows me it can.

1. I am assigned to 2 Trello boards in my organization. I would like to see cards from both of them in my iCal and/or Google Calendar apps. I understand that the Calendar Power-Up allows me to do this, but it seems to be on a per board basis. Is there any way to see the cards from both boards without having to sync them as separate calendars in Google / iCal?


2. I want to see ONLY the cards assigned to me. When using the Calendar power up sync, I'm seeing cards assigned to other members also. What's the way to get only my cards synced to my Google calendar?

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Dreamsuite Mike
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May 15, 2023

Hi @zoomnclick 

Some options to explore:

Option 1 - Use a powerup to sync, my preference is to use Cronofy but Planyway also supports calendar sync.  Yes, this is applied per-board but they sync directly into your existing Google calendar instead of creating new ones per board

Option 2 - You could use an integration tool like Zapier to do this...I actually have been using and it am enjoying the experience compared to Zapier.  There is also and Pably that do similar. 

Option 3 - Could you learn to be within the Trello ecosystem completely, using the Trello calendar, notifications and the Home function within Trello to have a complete solution? 

zoomnclick May 16, 2023

I can't agree to option 3 simply because Trello doesn't allow for a custom notification time option. The preset reminder periods don't work for me and I need to set custom reminder/notification alerts based on the severity of the card that is due

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