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Free work areas

Guilherme Rodrigues
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March 21, 2024

Good afternoon!


I use Trello and recently I was surprised with a message that the free workspaces can only have 10 people from April, will I have to pay Trello Premium or Standard for all the people who are inside my workspace or just by having the premium I can make my workspace for more collaborators? I have a workspace that has 96 participants, including members and guests, what should I do next?


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Ste Wright
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March 21, 2024

Hi @Guilherme Rodrigues 

You'll need to move to a paid plan if you have more than 10 collaborators (which includes members, guests, and pending invitations).

Billable users include...

  • Workspace Members
  • Multi-board Guests

But, if users are a single-board guest, then those users are free!


See this page for more on guests:

Guest types and cost

While all guests are free on free Workspace boards, guests on Premium and Standard Workspace boards can incur an additional charge.

  • Free guest: A person is is invited to a single board in a Workspace is a single-board guest. This user is not billable.

  • Billable guest: A board member who is on two or more Standard or Premium Workspace boards is a multi-board guest of that Workspace. Multi-board guests are billed at the same rate as a normal Workspace member and consume a seat license.


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