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FEATURE REQUEST: Sort Completed Tasks by Completion Date

Susan Showler August 23, 2023

It would be nice to sort completed tasks by completion date for project and performance reviews.


2 answers

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Brittany Joiner
Community Leader
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August 23, 2023

You could use Automation to do this! For instance, create a board button that sorts a list by a custom field date!image.png

Susan Showler August 24, 2023


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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 23, 2023

@Susan Showler


If you want to submit a Trello feature request, try raising it here.


Please note that at the bottom of the page under "What can we help you with?" pick "Using Trello" and then for topics pick the "Feature Request" option.

Susan Showler August 23, 2023

Much appreciated!!!

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