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Executive Level Oversight Dashboards?

Mark Pierce
I'm New Here
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January 20, 2023

Does Trello have a way of building executive level summary dashboards? I am looking for a way to build summary dashboards of the general health of multiple projects / issues causing delays organization wide for quick oversight. It seems like solutions like Placker are more geared toward combining the "users cards" from multiple boards rather than an organization wide summary dashboard...

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Vishaal S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 23, 2023

Hi Mark,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

Most people set up basic reporting within Trello with Butler, but this is related to data on the boards, not really Trello as a whole:

We also have a dashboard view that's available with our Premium plan and can offer insights on your board, here's a link with more information on this -

For more specialized reports there are also a few third-party apps that will add reporting capabilities to Trello. While we're not able to endorse any third-party apps (since we don't work with them directly), you can check them out here:

Let me know your thoughts—maybe one of those would fit your needs?

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