Deleted user July 17, 2018

Since few weeks ago, we started receiving an error when we create big cards with lot of info or many at the same time with the error RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.


Is there any update that we hadn't noticed y realized? Because we have been using Trello for like 2 years and it had never crashed like this.



2 answers

0 votes
Renato Chencinski
February 20, 2019

There's an issue open for Jira Cloud:

I'll comment here what I said there as well:

I had this problem with a 60 cards board, after 2 cards I got the error.
I tried it again (saving the import config and using it, not sure if it has any relation) and the second time it worked.


Also, there a workaround is suggested, using CSV export / import.

0 votes
Marta Galofre de Alos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 18, 2018

Hi José Tomás,

Our team has had to establish some limits to boards and cards to prevent performance issues. Could you please contact us at and send us a screenshot of your board when you get the error so we can take a closer look?

Thanks so much!

Deleted user July 20, 2018



This is what Trello's API throughs when we create cards.

(now i will send it to the Trello contact center)


Captura de pantalla 2018-07-20 08.31.51.png

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