Epics by Screenful - How to copy Epic and all the cards under it as a new similar Epic?

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April 17, 2019

Hello everyone!

I recently added "Epics powerup by Screenful'. Love the concept of parent cards 'Epics' and a bunch of cards linked to the parent card.

I wanted to use this initial as my dummy project / project Zero -- as a template.

I have a bunch of 'epics' which will be similar to this. I would like to copy my dummy project (along with all the child cards) to create a new Epic.   Can someone share information on how to templatize this / copy a epic with all child cards?

Many thanks in advance.. 


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Iain Dooley
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April 17, 2019

@madhu what happens when you just copy the board? It should copy any enabled power ups, the only barrier I can see to this is that the cards might still be linked back to the original template parent.

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April 17, 2019

Thanks @Iain Dooley 

Copying the entire board to a new board is not my desired outcome. In the screenshot below, I am creating a dummy project -- and have 2-3 tasks (real situation is more like 40-45 cards) 


When I try to copy my dummy project into a 'real project' I expect it to copy the child cards also.. 




Here is the view when I open the parent 'Epic' card and try to copy (it gives no option to copy all children also)


Iain Dooley
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April 17, 2019

@madhu hmm so when you copy the card does it copy the power up data, so it will show links to the dummy cards but won't copy the child cards?

Potentially you could use the API to grab plugin data, and duplicate the cards and then re-link them but it's a lot of work to achieve what is essentially the same as having a checklist of linked cards. Check out this article I wrote on subtasking:


Now you could have a separate command that copies cards linked in a checklist when the card is copied -- either with Butler or Trellinator. This would be simpler to implement that copying the epics plugin data.

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