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Detailed Report by Due Dates

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May 8, 2023

Trello community experts- please help!

I am looking to generate a report that can be emailed to my workspace members with the scheduled follow ups assigned to them each day. I have tried using the resources and step-by-step notes provided on this forum but I am not getting a report to generate that accurately displays the desired data. The reports I attempt to generate are showing up as blank emails, with no actual list.

I have organized my Trello cards with members, dates, labels and set up automations/rules so that the workflow moves according to our business needs and it is fantastic! However, the high volume of Trello cards, on top of the time-lags from Trello are causing an issue where my workspace members are either 1) receiving alerts that get "lost" in the notification list when combined with activity alerts or 2) the alerts are severely delayed before showing up in the notifications column.

I feel the best way to solve this problem is to generate a report each morning with the Trello cards that require follow ups that day. This needs to be automatically emailed to each workspace member so that they do not have to rely on the notifications column for their task list. 

Can someone help me to set this up? It drives me crazy that I have no support team to call and speak with who can run me through the set up process. It may be user-error or the software may not be capable of doing what I need it to do but either way- I am losing productivity each day. I need to figure this out one way or another and I hope the Trello community can help me out! Thanks in advance!


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Alina Kurishko
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 10, 2023

Hi there, 

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble contacting the Trello Support team. I'm a member of the team and was trying to replicate the issue that you're experiencing, but it seems that the emails come through with the information required. It's weird though that your email reports are sent blank. 

I've created a rule like the one below: 

"every day at 09:00 am, create a report in variable "report" with all cards due today assigned to member @/username group by list, and send an email notification to "" with subject "Things to do today" and message "{$report}""

The email has come through with the cards assigned to the mentioned username and which were due on the same date. 

If your rule looks like it should be working and you went through this article on how to create email reports with Automation, but the issue persists, I encourage you to submit a ticket at providing more details about your rules (the full rule, examples of the cards you expect to see in an email, etc.).

Some details are better left not shared in a public space, but in a ticket with some additional details, we'd be able to look into this further. 

It might also be worth checking why the notification feed doesn't show all due cards for the members assigned to those cards. 

We'd be glad to help you sort it out! 

Alina | The Trello Team

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