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Day tasks

Roger Neilson July 1, 2023

I have only been using Trello for two days so am a complete beginner.

I have a series of tasks that I do every day and I would like them to be created anew each day. 

I get that this is an automation, but although I have set up an automation it does not see to be working at all. 

I have it enabled on the board and this is the automation......

every day, create a new card with title "Morning meds" in list "Today" on board "To dos" and add the purple "Indoors" label, and set due now

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Dreamsuite Mike
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July 1, 2023

Hi Roger, 

For recurring tasks, you can use automation but a far simpler way would be to use the card repeater power-up.  Its a great power-up that will suit your needs perfectly. 

Roger Neilson July 1, 2023

Thank you, I shall try that. It does seem a simpler solution.

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