Create a linked card when a checklist item is assigned to someone

Jill Barton November 14, 2023

I'm looking for an automation route that would allow me to assign a checklist item to someone then create a linked card on that assignee's board - then ideally once the assignee completes the task the original checklist item would be marked complete.

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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November 14, 2023

Hi @Jill Barton ! It looks like there isn't a trigger for "when a checklist item is assigned to a member". You can reach out to Trello directly here if you want to ask if it's planned for the near future.

In the meantime, you could create separate checklists for each person - e.g. if an item is added to the "Jill" checklist, then convert the item to a linked card and move it to Jill's board. This might not be the best option if you have a lot of members that need to be involved in this automation, however. If you only have a few members on the board, this could be an ok method. I'd recommend having it so the checklists are added to the card automatically on card creation. E.g. a card is created with empty checklists "Hannah" and "Jill".

An alternative option is to include that person's @mention in the check item name - e.g. if an item starts with @Jill, then convert the item to a linked card and move to Jill's board. People might forget to add the person's @mention in the name of the check item, so you could create another rule that notifies the person when the item doesn't start with "@".

Not the best workarounds 😕 hopefully that helps, though!

It is also possible to update the checklist item when the card is complete using a separate automation. 

If you think one of the workarounds could work for you, I'd be happy to help with setting it all up! There are a few steps involved in the workflow so we could look at sharing screens if you'd like 😊 here's my calendar.

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