Checklist items disappearing

Penny Cutt July 3, 2022

For the past week or two when I add items to my trello checklist they disappear when I hit done. Why is this happening?

5 answers

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Dawn Caraway July 3, 2022

I had to sign out of my Trello account and change my password. When I signed back in, the problem seems to be resolved. No more disappearing cards. So far, so good. 

Penny Cutt July 3, 2022

Thank you I will try that. I’m not sure if the same thing happens with the computer version. 

1 vote
Penny Cutt July 3, 2022

This is happening on the phone app. 

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Georgina Beadon
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July 5, 2022

This is happening to me too as of yesterday. I can’t seem to add a new item to a checklist. I do, click done and then it disappears. I’ve had the housekeeping message come up quite a few times on the phone app over the last few years but not this new issue. 

the app definitely seems more glitchey lately. A couple of times I’ve tried to move a check list item up or down and when I do it’s duplicated an existing item instead. It usually rights itself if I come out of the board and go back in. Wondering if a new update has some bugs they haven’t worked out yet

Georgina Beadon
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July 5, 2022

I just tried logging out and in again and this seems to have worked! Thanks for the advice all

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Dawn Caraway July 3, 2022

I’m having the exact same problem. I’m also having a message pop up I’ve never seen before. When I first open the app, I get the message: Please give us a moment. We have some housekeeping to do. 
I feel like these things started after the latest update.

What to do about it though. I don’t like having to type a card 3 times before it finally takes!

Penny Cutt July 3, 2022

Yes I get that message too. 

Dennis Regan
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July 3, 2022

me three! 

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Dennis Regan
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July 3, 2022

hello, penny. this is happening on my ipad. this is very rare. never had issues like this. i came here looking for answer. can't help you much except to say it's not your fault.

Penny Cutt July 3, 2022

Thanks hopefully someone can help soon. I rely on trello so much. 

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