Change or remove accounts

Edwin Montgomery April 11, 2024

It has been a slow adoption for my team. I have 12+ accounts but only 5-6 are actually using it. And growing. How to I change an account from an inactive user to a new active user? As an admin, Can I change the name and password of and old user to a new user?



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Atlassian Team
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April 23, 2024

Hi Edwin,

Thanks for reaching out!

By 'change an account from inactive user to a new active user', are you referring to reactivating deactivated accounts? 

If so, you can find instructions here:

There isn't a way to change the name and password of another user's account, the other user would need to log in and do that themselves, or you would need access to their account/email address.

Please let us know if you have any other questions, and we'll be happy to help.

All the best,

The Trello Team

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