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Card Covers not fitting correctly

Jodi Shou
I'm New Here
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March 21, 2023

My card covers are only fitting height wise instead of filling the full length of the banner. How do I get it to span the length of the card versus being a sized down version that shows a blank margin on the ends? 


Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 6.52.22 PM.png

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Riley Venable
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March 22, 2023

To get the card cover to span the length of the card, you can select the "full size" option when setting the cover size. This will hide the preview of the card's details and show only the selected image or color in full size

Jodi Shou
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
March 24, 2023

This works on the mobile app but in my desktop browser it is as shown in the screenshot. Is there any way to fix it? 

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