Can you set a custom rule to snooze cards added to a list on the board at card creation?

A Manu July 24, 2022

I wish to automate the snoozing of cards in a given list as soon as the cards are created. I understand it's possible to creating a rule to archive cards when a card is added to list but want to know if snooze power up works for the case described

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Brittany Joiner
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July 24, 2022

@A Manu i don't think snoozing is an action, but i think you could get similar behaviour by : 

1) creating a board called "snoozed cards"

2) in your main board, create a rule that when a card is added to that list, set the due date to (whatever increment of time you'd want it to return), and then move it to the Snoozed Cards board.

3) in snoozed cards board, make a rule that whenever a card is due, its moved to the main board.

Let me know if that makes sense - happy to record a loom and explain more if it doesnt

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