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Can two different single-board guests be attached to one board?

Mark D_Ambrosi February 8, 2021

Is it possible to have more than one single-board guest on one board?  I am working with my two cousins on one project.  One cousin is currently on the board as a guest.  I want to make sure I can add my other cousin, but only want them to remain as board guests.

Looking forward to your response.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 8, 2021


You can have multiple different people on a board as a single board guest.

A member only becomes billable if they are on at least 2 of that team's boards.

Mark D_Ambrosi March 15, 2024


I have a slight twist to this question. I have someone who I want to have access to multiple boards to collaborate with my team. He has a business and would like a Trellow Premium subscription.

If he becomes a member of more than one of my boards and is billable, does that subscription only cover services working with me, or can he use the subscription for his own business?



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