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Can I track metadata behind a card to see when it was moved from column to column and by who?

Justin Kliger April 7, 2022

I want to use Trello to assign tasks, but also to see when tasks moved from column to column so that when I look back in say 6 months, I will be able to see where blockages were.

2 answers

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Ops Bot April 8, 2022

I use butler rules to have automated comments added whenever a card is moved into a list or assigned to an individual.  Here is an example of a list automationautomatecomment.png

Justin Kliger April 10, 2022

thanks! awesome. but how do I prepare these? Do i need a premium account?

Ops Bot April 12, 2022

Not to my knowledge.  On your board there should be a button labelled as "automations" next to the filter option.  This will bring up the screen where you can set up the automations you want to implement.  My example is slightly more complex than a standard automation rule since I am using variables to customize the comment made.

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Robin Warren _Blue Cat Reports_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 8, 2022

Check out Time in List which does just that :)

Justin Kliger April 10, 2022

Thanks Robin really helpful.

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