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Butler: delete synced/mirrored cards

Markus Leitner March 7, 2023

Hi there,


is there a command for tules in Butler to DELETE cards?

I can find archive/unarchive to use with linked cards, but not to delete them.


Any idea how to do that, or if this is even possible?




2 answers

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Rising Star
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March 8, 2023

I've no experience with Synced/Mirrored cards. But provided the cards are no longer synced/mirrored, there's a workaround for 'deleting' cards using Butler.

Put simply, just overwrite all searchable information before archive it. Rename it to "-", set description to "-", etc. Then archive.

It still technically exists in the archive, but practically speaking is as good as deleted. Any information that you don't want kept, you can probably have Butler overwrite, ie comments or members etc.

That said, make sure its no longer synced... Not sure what powerup you're using, so it really depends on if you can unlink it somehow via Butler..

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Dreamsuite Mike
Community Leader
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March 8, 2023

There is not a standard butler command to delete cards I'm afraid

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