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Archiving a list seemed to change every card's title

Jordyn Bonds
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August 9, 2023

A list in our board was accidentally archived and every card in it was changed to have the member assigned to the card as the card's title.


Has anyone experienced this? Is there a way to get our data back? 

2 answers

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Jordyn Bonds
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 11, 2023

The only automation has to do with removing due dates when a card is moved into a specific column. I checked the automation log and that's the only automation that's ever fired.

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Dreamsuite Mike
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August 9, 2023

This is unusual... Is it possible that there is an automation in play that makes that change?

Have a look in automations (each user may need to do this) and do a search for the word "archived", which should result in you seeing any automations that trigger off either a card or list being archived.

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