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Adding card to Trello via text

Lindsey Ross August 2, 2023

A few years ago, I came across a post that explained how to easily add a card to a Trello board via text, using IFTTT. I followed the instructions and set it up, and it worked magically for years. Now all of a sudden it stopped working. Does anyone know how to set this up, either using IFTTT or another method?


Basically what it enabled me to do was to text "Myself" (a made up IFTTT number, not my actual phone number), and whatever I texted would be redirected to a specific list on one of my specific boards.

Anyone have any insight on how to do this or something similar? It's way too clunky for me to open the Trello app and then find the right board and list every time I want to send myself a quick reminder, and I really loved how I could just text myself or even voice text myself and it would just show up on my Inbox list for the next time I sat down at my computer.



2 answers

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Rising Star
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August 2, 2023

@Lindsey Ross 

If it is primarily for iOS devices you can use iOS shortcut with Trello widget available when you have the app installed. 

Lindsey Ross August 6, 2023

I do have the app installed (and yes I am using an iPhone). Can you give me more details about how I would use the shortcut feature to do this?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 7, 2023

@Lindsey Ross 

See my other reply. Once done you can use it with Siri. 

Lindsey Ross August 16, 2023

I'm looking for something like the IFTTT applet where I can text something to myself, and have it port it over to my Trello board (I don't always like talking notes into my phone out loud when I'm in public--much prefer to just text it to myself and have it Zoom over to Trello).


I'm not very savvy at creating the IOS shortcuts from scratch--do you know if there's any way to do this using the Shortcuts app that focuses on texting a task rather than speaking it to Siri?

Lindsey Ross August 26, 2023

Okay I've tried re-creating this using Shortcuts rather than IFTTT since it looks like IFTTT is behind a paywall for anything I'm trying to do here.

Here is a screenshot of what I've set up in Shortcuts, but it doesn't seem to be adding these cards to my Incoming list when I text myself ("Yourself").

Can anyone who is more familiar with creating Shortcuts see what the problem might be here?


Lindsey Ross October 22, 2023

It does seem like there should be a way to make this work using Shortcuts, but I'm just not familiar enough with Shortcuts to see where I may have gone wrong here. Anyone else more expert at the iPhone Shortcuts app than I am?

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Dreamsuite Mike
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August 2, 2023

Hi @Lindsey Ross 

There are quite a few ways that this could be achieved.  I am not sure why the IFTTT integration stopped working but you could possibly rebuild it for today.


I understand the need to quickly take a note, especially as our best ideas don't come when we are sat in front of a computer, they will come while we are on a walk, in a bath, out shopping etc..


You can use any service from Zapier, IFTTT, Integrately or
I am favouring at the moment because of the amount of supported apps and a more visual builder than the market leader Zapier...

An example if you have an android phone, you could do an integration that takes a Google Keep note and tuns it into a Trello card.  Better still you can tell Google assistant to make the note in Keep Notes and then it will end up in Trello.

Lindsey Ross August 6, 2023

I'm using an iPhone (not Android)...any suggestions for that situation?

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 7, 2023

@Lindsey Ross 

You can create a voice memo to a specific board and list or have the shortcut allow you to select interactively. 

Lindsey Ross October 22, 2023

I realize there are a number of ways to do this with voice memos and voice-to-text, but I'm really still looking for something where I can type the note in to a text message--the quickest way in my mind to take a quick note on my phone without having to open a separate app and go searching for the right place to leave a note. I personally don't like talking to my phone out loud in public, so still just searching for a method that will replace the IFTTT method that used to work so well! Sounds like we haven't come up with a workaround for that at this point...

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